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  象数治疗—— 一种特殊的自然疗法


      李山玉   史蒂文森-舒天












的速度。用于诊断和配方的象数就是这种现象的一个例子。 象数疗法是一种自然疗法,以中医理论为基础,遵



的根本,创造所有的奇迹......”。 象数疗法可以完全激活身体的能量,实现自我调理、自卫、自愈和自我效能










数疗法深深依赖中医原理,站在中医的本质上,展现人与人之间的真实联系, 身体和宇宙通过无形的能量和信息系











为一个逻辑,语言,数学和科学基础创立了阴历 - 阳历等理论思想,而不仅是占卜。伏羲的8卦和64卦的二进制在








    易医直接用64卦来分析患者的健康状况。 从广义的中医角度讲,易经的象数将“数字”视为一种特殊的“形象”,

它不考虑数量多少,而是考虑质的定性,因为它比代表的经典数字更容易比类“形象”的意义。 很容易从符号数

字推断一些事情。 它方便计算卦的天干地支、阴历和五行元素,或相关的人体五脏六。

    符号数字是考古现象,在日历中使用它解释状态和趋势的理论。 把人体看作小宇宙,可以用易经的象征数字来

描述,这是一个模拟形态,代表健康状况。 基于中医关于象数的启示中一些基本特征,我们开发了象数的配方治

疗并应用于临床实践。 治疗严格遵循易经的哲学和方法论,并应用“状态和趋势”的独特功能。易医以简单的高





  八卦是八个图形符号,每个卦有三个部分,由阳线()和阴线(- -)组成。 有关图表符号,请参见表1 图表代



  简而言之,八卦涵盖了宇宙中的一切。 每个卦都有自己的卦形、卦名、卦数、象义和功能属性。八卦是个

整体运动和平衡的观点。 以八卦为核心,以五行为工具,象数反映了宇宙永恒的变革和运动原则。




表示马或首; 坤卦是牛或腹部; 震卦象征龙或足; 巽卦表示禽类或腿股; 坎卦代表猪或耳; 离卦是鸡或眼睛; 艮卦是

狗或手; 兑卦表示羊或口。“在这里,术语“代表”的概念不意味着“与其”相同,“等于”或“即是”。简而


   八卦知识的理解比通常的科学知识更灵活。 内涵可以从比类取象中理解。比类,或“隐性知识”,补充了科学

思维的限制,它源于易经方法论。 比类使用感官、抽象意义、图像、直观概念和符号来传达对象的意义和现象的

领悟。 逐渐地,通过遵循比类的规则,复杂的现象在人类生理学和病理学中发生的症状可以在中医中被理解归纳。













象数疗法—— 一种自然疗法




数字   自然界    属性(卦德)五行        人体对应       家庭成员


1                            首、大肠 父亲

2         肺、口 三女(少女)

3    心、目 二女(中女)

4          肝、足 长子(长男) 

5        胆、股 长女

6    肾、耳 二子(中男)

7             胃、手 三子(少男)

8    脾、腹 母亲




天八卦是自然宇宙的模拟,它们显示了阴阳随时空产生的变化。 乾(天)是阳。 阳的能量从震(雷)

到离(火)到兑(沼泽),到乾(天)为顶峰。 坤(地球)是阴。 阴的能量从巽(风)移到坎(水)


    后天八卦更关心地球和人的关系,被视为身体的功能,是四季运动和变化的模拟发展。 八卦与五行密

切相关。 它将所有东西分为五组元素:木指的震和巽(雷与风); 火指离卦(火); 土意味坤艮,大地和

高山; 金对应兑与乾(沼泽和天堂),水指坎卦(水)。 2说明了先天八卦和人体部位的对应关系。 







它不赞成使用相同的配方,而是对每个人都提供单独个性化的配方。在象数配方中,第一元对应主症。 默念


















  象数配方中的数字组合遵循中医“母子补泻”的规则。 补泻时,数字由单一单元结构组成;当生或克时,

数字在独立的单元内。例如,在肝血液缺乏的情况下,配方640表示水生木,并加强肝脏血液。 如果肝气过






  象数配方中使用的0具有特殊的含义和功能。 古人使用0表明太极的原始混沌(生命原动力)现象或特殊状

态。没有太极原生的元气,就没有八卦。 临床实践表明0加强了信息波的能量,音波使得气流畅通并调理阴

阳。一般来说,偶数0加强阴,奇数0加强阳。数字前面的0补阴,在数字后面的0补阳。 数字前后都加0有助





  在象数配方的实践中,患者也可以根据他们的需要和健康状况接受其他治疗。 象数配方的应用是一种自我




产生时间和空间上变化。例如,用降浊气的象数配方 0007000可治愈疼痛。但是如果默念时间过长,这个配方




   例如在冬天,象数配方 640·80产生冷的感觉,而配方380·650引起温暖的感觉。 象数配方中的每个数字组

合都有特殊的温度信息和阴阳特点。 配方 640·80包含更多的阴,而配方380·650有更多的阳。 象数配方设置


 适当和正确的象数配方会带来舒适感,使身体放松和精力充沛。 这样的配方可以连续使用,否则需要改用另














引起的腹痛和腹泻通常不是急症,所以根本原因可以通过提升热能滋养脾和肾而治愈。 象数配方650·80补肾

阳,以及用“8”振动脾。 象数配方温暖地激活脾脏和肾脏,加强活血、驱寒。另一方面,症状如严重的疼痛、


的综合原因引起的:肾功能虚弱包括头晕,背痛,疲劳和脉搏弱,可通过补肾治疗所有症状。 象数配方260


舌苔厚腻和脉搏紧绷,相应的处理使用疏肝经。 象数配方为4300,表示木生火并泻肝脏。这是一个“用不同的


   以“同样的方法治疗不同的疾病”适用于本因同样,但症状不同。 例如,腹泻,脱肛垂和由脾虚引起的子宫脱

垂具有相同的根本原因。 无论何种不同的症状,根本原因可以通过增强脾来治疗。象数配方通常是380·20加强






与人物、形状和所有物体的关系。 震卦,数字4,表示足。 0(零)放在4前面或之后有助于重要的气运行。

 例如,李小姐因脚踝扭伤而无法行走,局部肿胀疼痛。 默念配方0004000,受伤的脚踝感到时冷时热,最终变

得更加舒适。 病人可以在约20分钟后步行并在四天后完全恢复。 数字4前后各添加三个零有助于减轻肿胀,通





  根据脏象理论,兑卦2主肺,“肺主皮肤和毛发”。 2通常可用于治疗皮肤病,特别是加上0之后。例如,大小

姐(音译)突发荨麻疹,无法忍受瘙痒,失眠和痛苦,服药后所有痛苦都没有任何改进。 在读完0002几分钟后,

她感到全身放松,舒适。10分钟后,瘙痒减轻。 2疏散了外部病原体。 三个零前面的2加强了祛风和利水的效果。





  这种中医药处方的方法强调了优先和次优的顺序和效果,以此使用草药的组合实现更好的疗效。 肝阳过旺,

伴有头晕,头痛,焦虑和缺乏睡眠等综合症可以用640·30·80治疗。 水(坎,6)是“君主”,滋养肾阴。

 雷(震,4)是“部长”,补充肝阴。 数字640养阴和抑制过旺的阳。 地(坤,8)是“助手”。 数字80加强

脾脏,清理和排毒。 火(离,3)是一种“佐剂”调理心脏。 数字30可以减少焦虑和安宁心灵。




山(艮,7)主胃,与从脚到头的阳明胃经有关,经过鼻子附近。 鼻病可以用07配方治疗。 例如,凌先生

(音译)由于鼻炎而头痛。 当他默念07,症状当天被治愈。




  象数配方(无论是一元方还是多元方)多数情况下结构之间是种相生的关系。 配方650·30·820温暖和

疏通肾脏,补脾和气。 水(坎卦)为6。木=风(巽卦)为5。水生木为650 火(离卦)为3 木生火。 

土(坤)是8 火生土。 金或泽(兑卦)是2。土生金。 在多元方中,不在同一元内的配方也可以是相克

关系。如治疗胃病通常用40·70 雷霆之木(震)是4 土(艮卦)是7。木克土。 但是,同一元内数字



配方是00300 火(离卦)是3并调节眼睛。 3的前后都加了偶数0,加强清热,抑制和消散急性结膜炎的炎

症。 默念象数的质量直接影响愈合的效果,如同气功禅修的道理。 所有患者必须放松整个身体,打开他/

的心灵,积极思考,保持安静,诚实,信任,快乐,充满爱,并感激宇宙中的一切。 患者可以随时默念配方,

早晨醒后、晚上入睡前默念效果更佳。 当默念象数配方时,可能会发生一些反应,但对患者不会产生任何副



  比类取象是了解事物的所有动态属性及功能和无限比喻的智慧。 象数疗法更加清晰、生动地体现了中医



传输的速度以及人类心脏的独特功能。 象数疗法可用于治疗各种疾病,甚至用于一些急症。 象数疗法的

特征包括:回归自然(保持患者的身体和心灵放松和自然); 自由(治疗方式对周围条件没有特殊要求如

时间、地点和环境);自我控制(患者尽可能多默念一个单独设计的配方)。 象数配方的主要优点是方便、

低成本、零副作用和安全性。 象数配方可以与其他治疗一起使用。在特殊情况下,其他人帮忙助念也可




New Development in Traditional Chinese

Medicine: Symbolism-Digit Therapy

as a Special Naturopathic Treatment

Shanyu Li * and Stevenson Xutian

* The Shanyu Naturopathic Institute, Qingdao, China

Canadian Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Edmonton, Canada


Abstract: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) grew out of traditional Chinese culture. For

example, the eight-diagram symbol is composed of the Yang and the Yin. According to

oriental philosophy, everything in the universe has a two-sided property, namely an image

(or symbol) and a number (or digit). This paper introduces the new concept and historical

background of symbolism-digit therapy (SDT), which is a natural therapy for the treatment of

various kinds of diseases. SDT is of TCM heritage, which can be traced back to the ancient

publications such as Yi Jing, and this heritage has been incorporated into modern develop-

ment and practices. The successful treatments using SDT presented in this paper use

formulas and/or prescriptions in accordance with TCM. All materials presented in this paper

come from first-hand clinical observations, which are supported by TCM theories. Effects of

SDT treatments are straightforward and worthy of broader and deeper investigation. SDT and

other relevant therapies motivate the further exploration of the essence of TCM to improve

the understanding of TCM principles.

Keywords: Traditional Chinese Medicine; Symbolism Digit Therapy; Qi Field; Imagery

Analogism; Review.


Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) grew out of traditional Chinese culture, and TCM

theory has been used in medical diagnosis and treatment in China for several thousand

years (Chang et al., 2014; Xiao et al., 2015; Zha et al., 2015). The essence of the TCM is

reflected in three ancient books: Yi Jing ( ) (Sung, 1935; Yang, 1989), Dao De Jing

( ) (She, 2012; Lu, 1997), and Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor ( )

Correspondence to: Dr. Stevenson Xutian, Canadian Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Re-

search, #105, 6303-104 Ave. NW Edmonton, Alberta T6A 0X9, Canada. E-mail:

The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol. 44, No. 7, 113

© 2016 World Scientific Publishing Company

Institute for Advanced Research in Asian Science and Medicine

DOI: 10.1142/S0192415X16500737


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(Peoples Health Publishing House, 1991). The three publications not only greatly influ-

enced Chinese culture, but also influenced the philosophies of many other countries. The

essence of the three books is the Taoists belief that the universe keeps changing into

various forms of appear/disappear, ( / ) visible/invisible ( / ), and material/

energy/information ( / / ).

Tao philosophy believes that the universe is a connected reciprocal whole, with holo-

graphic characteristics. The ancient publications cited phenomena and presented statements

which the skeptical and critical modern science cannot completely explain, such as

Quantum phenomena and human emotion, or the consciousinfluence on separated DNA

over long distances at much higher speeds than light (Braden, 2013; Han, 2011). One

example of such phenomena is the Symbolism-Digit ( ), which is used in TCM di-

agnosis and prescriptions. SDT ( ) is a kind of naturopathy (Yuan, 2006), and is

based on the theoretical framework and practical pattern of TCM. Following the TCM

diagnosis, the practitioner designs a holistic SDT prescription (( ), a digital formula)

and asks the patient to meditate and recite the prescription to help balance the Yin-Yang

and utilize effects of Qi field( ) of the human body (Lu, 1997; Liu et al., 2015).

In all operations, according to Yi Jing, there is no thought and no action, being still

without movement, but following the wisdom when acting on, penetrating to the root of all

phenomena, and creating all miracles…” (Sung, 1935). SDT can fully activate the bodys

energy field and achieve the effects of self-organization, self-defense, self-healing and self-

regulation. Therefore, the SDT prescription can be used to promote health and cure illness.

To study TCM more effectively, we first have to learn and understand the principles and

method of oriental thinking. The term analogismor imagery analogism( )

(Sung, 1935; Rao, 2006; Wang et al., 2015) is different from the logic of scientific

thinking, and it is considered more advantageous. The connotation of analogism refers to

the use of emotional, imaginative, and intuitive concepts, or abstract meanings, of symbols

to represent the objective world. In other words, the methodology of imaginative thinking

is to use analogical and symbolic ways of thinking to grasp the character or property of an

object. This is also used to recognize and comprehend objects for the purpose of

simulation. Imagery thinking is used to classify or specify categories based on similar

research subjects with known objects or identical characters, in a derived process in other

ways that may seem similar. Imagery thinking is not limited to a specific range of images

of the thing or things alike; rather, imagery thinking allows infinite analogizing of the

functional relationship, and the dynamic properties of the same premise. On the one hand,

imagery thinking has its own meaning, connected to the image of abstract concepts and

symbols, which improves our understanding of the significance of the objective world. On

the other hand, imagery thinking combines reasoning by analogy with an intuitive un-

derstanding of the objective world. This method has been widely used in TCM theories

such as the Five-element theory (Zhang, 1991; Li and Li, 2009; Field, 2013; Xutian et al.,

2014). The SDT practice deeply relies on TCM principles to promote a better under-

standing of the essence of TCM, and to manifest the real connection between the human

body and the universe through invisible energy and information systems or Qi with Qigong

(Lu, 1997). This is considered the secret of TCM and is easily misunderstood by modern



society. The SDT applies the holographic principles and the state and tendency( )

of Yi Jing to practice and diagnosis, which makes TCM holistic treatments more practical

and flexible. The application of SDT can motivate the further development and under-

standing of the essence of TCM.

The Foundation of the Trigrams (Eight Diagrams)

Yi Jing ðYi King or I ChingÞ, also called The Book of Changes (Sung, 1935; Yang, 1989),

is regarded as the root of Chinese culture, and as a source of great wisdom demonstrating

the universal law of State and Tendency” — the developing, reciprocating, and changing

universe and all things in it. The Yi Jing philosophy believes that the universe is an entity of

matter, energy and information. Yi Jing has been practiced and examined for thousands of

years under different environments. In the system of the Yi (one) there was the grand

terminus before Yin-Yang showed up, which produced the two elementary forms. The two

forms (perhaps Yin-Yang, or time and space) produced the four emblematic symbols,

which again produced the eight trigrams(Sung, 1935) (Table 1). The trigrams (eight

diagrams) were first invented in the Fuxis period (about 7500 to 5500 BC) to show fully

the (unseen) attributes of spirit and intelligence, and to classify the qualities of many

things(Sung, 1935).The founder of Leibniz theory, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646

1716) stated that Fuxis 8 trigrams and 64 hexagrams served as a logical, linguistic,

mathematical, and scientific basis for establishing the lunar-solar calendars and other

theoretical thoughts, rather than the divination.Leibniz also included that, The binary

order of Fuxis 8 trigrams and 64 hexagrams had actually been traced back to at least 4,500

years ago in China(17031716 AC) (Deng, 2011). 3D-models of Fuxis Trigrams were

incorporated into a binary information system for establishing a calendar for science and


The theories and practices explained in Yi Jing have permeated virtually all theories of

TCM and Qigong. In the past several thousands of years, TCM practitioners have un-

derstood that Yi Jing and TCM share the same origin. About two thousand years ago, TCM

sage Zhang Zhongjing initiated the changes in six lines of each trigram ( ) and created

the Differentiation of Syndromes According to Theory of the Six Meridians. He also

designed 112 classic formulas in The Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease. All the

formulas were developed according to the principles of the Yi Jing Trigrams, and became

the standard formulas in TCM. His book has been widely used as it deeply reveals

the inherent nature of diseases, though it does not address a particular illness, but rather

focuses on strengthening the bodys immunity (Zhang, 1994). TCM physician Sun Simiao

of the Tang Dynasty said whoever doesnt know Yi Jing shouldnt claim himself or herself

a good TCM practitioner(Sun, 1969). TCM physician Zhang Jingyue of the Ming

Dynasty was the author of the book entitled The Classified Inner Canon of the Yellow

Emperor, and the book entitled The Complete Collection of Dr. Jingyue. He also pointed

out, Yi Jings Yi ( ) simply means easy, and includes Yin and Yang, movements and

statics.He directly utilized the 64 hexagrams to analyze a patients health status (Zhang,

1991). In the broad scope of TCM, the Yi Jings symbolism-digit treats numbers(or


digits) as a special kind of image, which is not in favor of the quantitative aspect, but the

qualitative aspect, because it is easier to access than the classic numbers representing the

imageof meanings. It is easy to deduce several things from the symbolism-digit. It is

easy to count the number of hexagrams, the lunar numbers, and the five elements, or relate

them to the internal five organs (Peoples Health Publishing House, 1991; Hung et al.,

2015; Li et al., 2015).

The symbolism-digit records archeological phenomena and uses it in the calendar

(Deng, 2011) to explain the theory of state and tendency. The human body, viewed as a

small universe, can be described by Yi Jings symbolism-digit, which is an analog repre-

senting health status. Inspired by TCM physicianshints about the symbolism-digit and

some essential characteristic of TCM, we have developed the format of symbolism-digit

therapy (SDT) and applied it in clinical practice. The therapy strictly follows Yi Jings

philosophy or methodology, and applies the unique function of State and Tendencyfrom

Yi Jing (Yang, 1989) to the simplified TCM diagnosis with high accuracy. The therapy

provides a holistic digital prescription for patients.

Structures of the Trigrams

Trigrams are eight diagram symbols, each with three parts ( ) called Gua ( , ), which

are composed of the Yang () and the Yin (- -). See Table 1 for diagram symbols. The

diagrams represent the eight fundamental phenomena and show that the universe of all

things originally developed from the Qi (energy) of Yin and Yang. In short, Trigrams cover

Table 1. Diagram of the Evolutional Sequence of the Former Heaven Trigrams


everything in the universe. Each trigram has its own diagram, name, digit, symbolic things

and functional properties. The Trigrams are views of holistic motion and balance. With the

Trigrams at the core, and Five-Elements as a situation-specific tool, the symbolism-digit

reflects the universes eternal principles of change and movement.

Symbols and Digits of the Trigrams

The symbols and digits of trigrams are common terms in the Theory of Trigrams with

infinite connotations. At the most basic level, each symbol of a trigram corresponds to a

specific digit. The trigram symbols and digits are like two sides of a coin that show various

aspects of change at different stages. A trigram symbol determines a digit, and that digit

reflects the trigram symbol. Yi Jing itself is the conclusion of these symbols.

Trigrams represent the basic properties of the universe, and are abstracted into 8 groups.

To paraphrase Confucius, Qian suggests the idea of a horse or the head; Kun, an ox or the

belly; Zhen, the Dragon or the feet; Xun, a fowl or the thighs; Kan, a pig or the ears; Li, a

pheasant or the eyes; Gen, a dog or the hands; and Dui, a sheep or the mouth.In this

quotation, the term suggests the idea ofdoes not mean the same as, equal toor is.

In short, a trigram itself is nothing but a representative symbol of something in the uni-

verse. For additional examples of the classifications and representations of trigrams, refer

to Table 1.

Understanding in symbolism-digit knowledge is more flexible than it is in general sci-


Sung, 1935; Zhang, 1994). Analogism, or tacit knowledge, supplements the limitation of

scientific thought, which is derived from methodology. Analogism uses the senses, abstract

meanings, images, intuitive concepts, and symbols convey meaning about an object or

phenomenon. Gradually, by following the rules of analogies, the greatly complicated phe-

nomena occurring in human physiology and pathology can be understood in TCM.

Eight Diagrams with Three Lines

The so-called digitof any trigram is simply a symbolic digit ( ). Trigram digits

include the Former Heaven format and the Later Heaven format. The Former Trigrams

were believed to be created by King Fuxi ( , 75005500 BC), hence they are also

called Fuxi Trigrams. The Later Trigrams, created by King Wen ( , 1100 BC) of the

ZhouDynasty,arecalledKingWensTrigram. TheFuxiTrigramsdefineorientation, and

KingWensTrigrams illustratethepostnatalcharacterofthesystem.Thesymbolism-digitin

SDT accesses the Former Trigrams digit and the Later Trigrams diagram (see Fig. 1).

It is important to be aware of the orientation as indicated in the Fuxi Trigrams Diagram,

which is opposite to the orientation of modern maps. The theoretical basis for positioning

the Former Heaven Trigrams, per the Yi Jing explanation, was because the positions of

heaven and earth are fixed, and the positions of mountain and swamps are complementary;

thunder and wind help each other, whereas fire and water face each other.



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Symbolism-Digit states that the entire material world is an interconnecting and flowing

system. The Fuxi Trigrams describe the structural patterns of the physical world (macro-

scopic and microcosmic) systems in which all objects, from planets to human cells,

are distributed like the trigram structure, following the bio-holographic and natural ho-

lographic laws. The Former Heaven Trigrams are the simulation of the natural universe,

which show how Yin and Yang correlate over time. Qian (Heaven) is Yang. Yang energy

moves from Zhen (Thunder) to Li (Fire) to Dui (Marsh) and to Qian (Heaven), where it

peaks. Kun (Earth) is Yin. Yin energy moves from Xun (Wind) to Kan (Water) to Gen

(Mountain) and to Kun (Earth), where it peaks.

The Later Heaven Trigrams are more concerned with the relationship of earth and man,

viewed as the function of body, and are the simulation of the movement and the dynamic

development of all things within the four seasons. The trigram relates closely to five

orientations, and five-elements. It categorizes all things into five groups of elements: Wood

refers to Zhen & Xun (Thunder & Wind); Fire refers to Li (Fire); Earth refers to Kun &

Gen (Earth & Mountain]; Metal refers to Dui & Qian (Marsh & Heaven), and Water refers

to Kan (Water). Table 2 illustrates the correspondence between the Former Trigrams digits

and human bodys parts/organs. Using the family relationship as an analogy, all things are

given birth by the Qian (Heaven) and Kun (Earth), Yang and Yin, father and mother.

All things contain the characteristics of Yin and Yang.

Basics of Symbolism-Digit Therapy (SDT)

SDT treatment is based on the meditation and silent repetition of the assigned digital

formula ( ). It can be used alone or in combination with other treatments. Similar to

TCM, SDT emphasizes personalized treatments that are based on syndrome differentiation

diagnoses of individual patients. It opposes the use of a same formula for different patients

who have the same illness. Each individual is offered a personalized holistic formula. In a

SDT formula, the first unit (of digits) has the first healing effect. Reciting the appropriate

digit set can help reprogram the energy field to promote health (Lu, 1997; She, 2012).

Often, reciting a specific SDT formula can better align the universe and the bodys energy

Table 2. Trigrams Basic Properties (or Representation)

Digit Image in Nature Basic Attribute Five-Element Body Parts Family Relation

1 Heaven/Sky Strong Metal Head, large intestine Father

2 Marsh pool Joyful Metal Lung, mouth Third daughter

3 Fire Beautiful Fire Heart, eye Second daughter

4 Thunder Moving Wood Liver, foot First son

5 Wind Penetrating Wood Gall-blader, thigh First daughter

6 Water Sinking Water Kidney, ear Second son

7 Mountain Stand-still Earth Stomach, hand Third son

8 Earth Yielding Earth Spleen, belly Mother


September 9, 2016 4:24:37pm WSPC/174-AJCM 1650073 ISSN: 0192-415X 1 st Reading

fields (Braden, 2007; Han, 2011). When the universes vast energy field and human bodys

small one are in synchronous resonance and assimilation, the bodys positive energy is

reinforced to block negative energy from entering.

When reciting the digit set, the information/energy may send out waves. These waves

can affect the whole body, or cause a specific body part to activate and vibrate or trigger the

corresponding Trigrams energy field to realign into an ordered state. The resonating energy

fields of man and nature together may affect the healing.

The Pronounciation of the SDT Formula

The nine numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 can be pronounced in different languages.

In English, for example, the 0 in the formula reads as zero, and the digitizer 3810 reads as


The Structure of the SDT Formula

The simplest structure is the unitary structure, such as 650 or 30. There are dual structures

such as 650-30, or ternary structures such as 650-30-820, etc.

The Composition of the SDT Formula

The combination of digits in SDT follows the rule of mother-child reinforcing-dispersing

therapy. When reinforcing or dispersing, the digits are composed of a one-unit structure;

when flat-reinforcing or flat-dispersing, the digits are within an independent structural unit.

For example, in the case of liver blood deficiency, the formula 640 means water generating

wood, and reinforcing the liver blood. If liver Qi is in excess, the formula would be 430 or

4300, because wood generates fire to disperse liver stagnation. If liver Qi is between

deficiency and excess and needs flat-reinforcing or flat-dispersing, the digits are within an

independent structure. For example, the formula for meralgia is 50.

The Function and Usage of 0

The 0 used in SDT formulas has special meanings and functions. The ancients used 0 to

indicate the Taijis original Chaos (muddy vitality) Qi field phenomenon or special state.

There would be no Trigrams without the Taijis original Chaos Qi. Clinical practice has

demonstrated that 0 strengthens the energy of the information waves, which flows through

the Qi and regulates the Yin-Yang. Generally speaking, an even number of 0s reinforces

Yin and an odd number of 0s reinforces Yang. A 0 in front of the digit reinforces Yin, and

one behind the digit reinforces Yang. A 0 on both sides helps balance Yin and Yang.

Examples of SDT Sets

During the practice of SDT, patients can also accept other treatments depending on

their needs and health conditions. The application of SDT is a dynamic practice that is


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self-healing, self-balancing and self-detoxifying. It is a way to connect with the cosmic

energy field of the universe, affecting the individuals circulation, and eventually changing

the human body condition through the invisible energy. The SDT practice aims to balance

Yin-Yang in the SDT energy field to reinforce the deficiency and reduce the excess

(Li, 2009). In an SDT formula, each digit unit has Yin and Yang utilizing the various

changes of 0 (zero). This dynamic balance changes in time and space. For example, in

descending the turbid, the SDT 0007000 set acts to heal pain. However, if recited for too

long, it can cause a heavy feeling in the lower limbs and stiffness in the waist. This is

because the SDTs Mountain (Gen ( ), 7) carries the energy of inactivity, stopand

heaviness. Mountain implies soil, which can interfere with the water (kidney) and make

the parts around the kidney (such as the waist) feel stiff and heavy. Therefore, the formula

is dynamic and requires necessary adjustments.

In the winter, for example, the SDT 640-80 set induces a cold feeling, and the SDT 380-

650 set induces a warm feeling. Each digit combination in SDT has special temperature

information and Yin-Yang characteristics. The SDT 640-80 set has more Yin, whereas the

SDT 380-650 set has more Yang.

The SDT set in a formula should change with different symptoms and the newly

changed Yin-Yang. Even after physical symptoms disappear, practices with the SDT

should continue until the diseases are completely cured. An appropriate and correct SDT

formula brings comfort, relaxation and energy. Such a formula can be used continuously;

otherwise, the formula needs to be modified with another digit set.

Principles of Diagnosis and SDT Prescriptions

SDT relies on TCM diagnosis, which is based on the principle that all internal illness can

be manifested externally(Peoples Health Publishing House, 1991). With this under-

standing, more experienced TCM physicians are trained to discern subtle symptoms or

manifestations. If one of the viscous is diseased, some corresponding parts or organs in the

human body surface would appear abnormal in color, tone, flavor, finger, pulse, etc., which

gives a very direct hint toward diagnosis. The Differentiation of Eight Syndromes Cate-

gories ( ) helps TCM physicians make a complete diagnosis (Xutian et al., 2014).

The combination of all related symptoms usually demonstrates the nature of the disease.

Based on differentiation diagnosis, reinforcing the deficiency, dispersing the excess,the

SDT is mother-child reinforcing-dispersing therapy, or mother giving birth to child is

reinforcing (to child), mother giving birth is dispersing(to mother). If there is neither defi-

ciency nor excess, flat reinforcing and flat dispersingwould uplift the vital Qi of the internal

organs (Li and Li, 2009). For the lung deficiency, the digit set is 720. The formula is Gen 7


deficiency. For the lung excess, the formula would be 260 or 2600. Dampness pathogens

require an odd number of zeros. Extra Yang adjustments require an even number of zeros.

Applying the mother-child reinforcing-dispersing therapyfollows the rules of treating

manifestation and root cause in order, or both manifestation and root cause of disease,

or the same disease with different therapies, or different diseases with the same


September 9, 2016 4:24:37pm WSPC/174-AJCM 1650073 ISSN: 0192-415X 1 st Reading

method, etc. For example, the abdominal pain and diarrhea caused by Spleen and Kidney

deficiency usually are not an emergency, so the root cause can be corrected by warmly

invigorating Spleen and Kidney. The SDT formula 650.80 benefits the kidney Yang,

and 8vibrates the Spleen. The SDT formula would warmly invigorate the Spleen and

Kidney, strengthen the vital Qi, and expel the pathogen. On the other hand, for symptoms

such as a severe pain, urine retention or coma, the symptoms are treated first and the root

cause later, or both manifestation and root cause are treated at the same time. For example,

deafness is caused by different reasons: Kidney deficiency syndromes include dizziness,

back pain, fatigue and weak pulse, and are treated by reinforcing the Kidney. The SDT

formula 260 or Metal 2 (Dui) generates Kidney (Water 6, Kan). Liver and gallbladder

excess syndromes include a headache or dizziness, nasal congestion, a bitter taste, dry

throat, rib pain, a thick greasy tongue and a taut pulse. The corresponding treatment

disperses the liver Meridian. The SDT formula is 4300, meaning that Wood generates Fire

to disperse the Liver. This is an example of treating the same disease with different


Treating different diseases with the same methodapplies when the root cause is the

same, but the syndromes are different. For example, the diarrhea, prolapsed anus and

prolapsed uterus caused by Spleen deficiency have the same root cause. Regardless of the

different syndromes, the root cause can be treated by enhancing the Spleen. The SDT

formula usually is 380.20 to reinforce the Spleen and Qi.

The Formula Design Method of Symbolism-Digit Therapy

The SDT prescription is similar to prescriptions of TCM herbs or acupuncture.

Choose the Number of the Formula Based on SDT

Imagery analogism is used to categorize Trigrams based on Zang-Fu organs, physiological

signs, and their relationships to characters, shapes, and all things. The Zhen Trigram,

digit 4, represents feet. A 0 (zero) before or after will help the vital Qi flow. For example,

Miss Li could not walk due to a sprained ankle with local swelling and pain. After reading

the formula 0004000 silently, the injured ankle felt cold and hot from time to time, and

eventually became more comfortable. The patient could walk after about 20min of the

treatment and fully recovered four days later (Li and Li, 2009). The three zeros added

before and after the digit 4 helped reduce swelling, disperse stasis by adjust the Yin-Yang,

and promote blood circulation.

Choose the Design of the Formula Based on Zang-Xiang Theory

The Dui Trigram 2, governs the lung and lung governs skin and hair, as shown in the

Zang-Xiang theory. The 2 can usually be used to treat skin diseases, especially when

adding 0. For example, Miss Da experienced a sudden attack of hives, with unbearable

itching, insomnia, and distress, all of which were unimproved by medicine. After reading

10 S. LI & S. XUTIAN

0002 silently for a few minutes, she felt her whole body relax and felt comfortable.

In 10min, the itching was reduced. The 2 disperses the external pathogen. Three zeros in

front of the 2 strengthens the effect of dispelling wind and dispersing water. Locating 0

in front of the digit toward Yin prevents the dispelling wind from being too strong (Li and

Li, 2009).

Choose the Design of Formula Based on Monarch, Ministerial, Adjuvant,

Assistant(( ))

This TCM prescription method emphasizes the order and the effects of primary and sec-

ondary herbs, and achieves a better result with the proper combination of herbs.

Liver Yang hyperactivity, with syndromes of dizziness, headache, anxiousness, and

lack of sleep can be treated with 640-30-80. Water (Kan, 6) is monarch,to nourishes

Kidney Yin. Thunder (Zhen, 4) is ministerial,and supplements liver Yin. The digit 640

nourishes Yin and suppresses hyperactive Yang. Earth (Kun, 8) is assistant. The digit 80

strengthens the Spleen, cleans and suppresses dirt. Fire (Li, 3) is an adjuvantgoverning

the heart. The digit 30 can reduce anxiety and tranquilize the mind.

Choose the Digit Formula Following the Meridian Flow

Mountain (Gen, 7) governs the stomach, and is related to the Yangming Meridian, which

goes from the foot to the head, passing near the nose. Nose diseases can be treated with the

formula 07. For example, Mr. Ling suffered headache due to rhinitis. When he read 07

silently, the symptom was cured on the same day (Li and Li, 2009).

Choose the Digit Formula Based on the Generation-Inhibition in Five-Elements

The SDT formula, whether a unitary structure or a combination of multiple structures, has

a generating relationship among the structures in most cases. The formula 650-30-820

warms and dredges the Kidney, and strengthens the Spleen and Qi. Water (Kan) is 6.

Wood =Wind (Xun) is 5. Water generates Wood is 650. Fire (Li) is 3. Wood generates Fire.

Earth (Kun) is 8. Fire generates Earth. Metal of Marsh (Dui) is 2. Earth generates Metal.

In multi-structure formulas, structures next to each other may also inhibit each other.

The formula to treat stomach pathogens is usually 40-70. Wood of Thunder (Zhen) is 4.

Earth (Gen) is 7. Wood inhibits Earth. However, there should be no inhibiting relationship

within the one-unit structure.

The SDT formula emphasizes the effect of 0, which is commonly and flexibly used with

odd or even numbers of 0 in different positions for different effects. For acute conjuncti-

vitis, the formula is 003. Fire (Li) is 3 and regulates eyes. Even numbers of 0s and 0s in

front of 3s, work toward cooling, inhibiting and dispersing the fire of acute conjunctivitis.

The quality of the silent reading formula directly influences the effects of healing, as in

the Qigong meditation program. All patients must relax the whole body, open his/or her

mind, think positively, keep calm, be honest, trustful, happy, full of love, and feel grateful


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to everything in the universe. Patients can recite the formulas any time, and it may be more

effective in mornings and evenings consistently. Many kinds of reactions and effects may

take place; it penetrates forthwith all phenomena and events under the sky and nothing

harms the patient.


Imagery analogism is wisdom to know all dynamic properties of things and their functional

relationships by means of infinite analogies. The SDT practice embodies the TCM reg-

ulations more incisively and vividly with flexibility, which can promote a better under-

standing of the essence of TCM, and manifest the real connection between human body

and the universe through invisible energy (Qi) interaction. Some TCM phenomenal

theories found 3,000 years ago have been gradually better understood in the context of the

new discoveries of modern sciences, such as the speed of emotional energy transport and

the unique function of the heart of human beings. SDT can be used to treat various

diseases, even in some urgent cases. The unique characteristics of SDT include: natural-

ization (keeping the patientsbody and mind relaxed and natural); freedom (there are no

special requirements such as time, location and environment); self-control (patients recite

an individualized prescript formula as often as they can). The main advantages of SDT are

the convenience, low cost, zero side effects, and safety. SDT can be unified with other

treatments. In special situations, other people such as relatives can help recite and obtain

the effective treatment. More importantly, the SDT is not only useful for treating illness,

but is good for preventing potential health problems as well. The case study and other

information are listed in the related references.


We would like to thank Dr. Chun-Su Yuan, Dr. Joann Woznik, Dr. Jun Zhang, Dr.

Johanne Boisvert and Ms. Maureen Schaber for editing the manuscripts. We also would

like to thank Dr. Philippe Thouin, Dr. Hanpu Hu, Mr. Zhu Hua, Mr. Zongxian Yu and

Ms Helen Yuan for translating some materials into English.


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